Gospel of Nobodies, Part 2: The People Jesus Calls
From Nazareth (poor, rural) to Jesus' Inner Circle (poor, ordinary commoners)
Luke 5:1-11: Context: Ancient Rome; Roman aristocracy were all-powerful
- fishermen were "peasants," though above the slaves, still near the bottom
- their economic situation was one of normal exploitation, frequent injustice
- "Jesus chose ordinary-unrefined people; the commonest of the common. They were from rural areas, farmers, and fisherman."
a. Why is it significant that Jesus called poor people?
b. Is it true that people with "nothing to lose" would be more open to Jesus?
B. A Contrasting Case Study from Mark 10:17-27
a. Mark 10:21 "Sell all you have, then come... follow Me."
b. Let's Be Honest - Was it harder for the rich man to follow Jesus than Peter?
- Of course it was - and Jesus totally names it in Mark 10:23
C. The Problem of Wealth: Why more difficult for a rich person to enter heaven?
a. 1 Tim 6:6-10, "LOVE OF" money = problem (not having lots of it)
b. What does it mean to have a "love of money"? Love of = Faith/trust in
- What does a person who "loves" money believe money will do for them?
(Care for, Protect, Provide, Fix Problems, rise up the hierarchy of life)
VS. John 14:1, "Trust in God, and trust in Me." 15:5, "W/out Me, nothing"
D. Average American - more like the rich young ruler? or a peasant fisherman?
- "After adjusting for cost-of-living differences, a typical American still earns an income that is 10 times the income received by the typical person in the world."
- Avg American makes $62,000 at 10x means = $6200 avg. annual salary RoW
- Avg. American is in top 1% of all global income earners
- Avg. Adult in Africa worth $4000 (1 in 4 Christians in the world today in Africa)
E. 43% (still in decline) of 2018 Americans said religionwas in any way important
H. The Churchin Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22) = Many Modern American Churches
- (church says) I believe, but "I've grown wealthy, and I don't need a thing."
- Needs based on what?
Maslow: 1. Physical 2. Safety 3. Love 4. Esteem 5. Self-Actualization
Can a person truly achieve 3, 4, and 5 outside of their walk with God?
I. Jesus and Maslow: John 15:5, "Without Me, you can't do anything" --- The most important things are at the top of the pyramid, but the hardest to achieve. Caution from Jesus is that the higher up you are without God, the harder it is to climb.
- With Jesus, the climb actually gets easier. (The world not weighing you down)
Application = The Call - “lay down your nets and follow Me." Nets = ??? for you
Mar 18 Mon- Luke 5-6
Mar 19 Tues- Luke 7-8
Mar 20 Wed - 1 Tim 6
Mar 21 Thr– John 14
Mar 22 Fri- Mark 10
Mar 23 Sat – John 15
PRAYER:A - Adoration(prayer of centering; focus on God's goodness); C - Confession(prayer of repentance and asking for God's forgiveness); T - Thanksgiving(prayer of gratefulness, content, joy, avoiding pessimism); S - Supplication(prayer for others; then pray for yourself)
S - STOPand listen... give God some time to speak to you--- end with the LORD'S PRAYER
Where to begin: What's the state of your soul today?
Who is going to heaven because of you?