Gospel of Nobodies, Part 4: Pharisees and Prostitutes

Notes: Mar 31, Pharisees and Prostitutes

A. From Nazareth (poor, rural) to Jesus' Inner Circle (commoners) to Prostitutes

- Luke 5:17-25; 7:36-50 - Jesus to the paralytic + prostitute ("your sins are forgiven")

- Luke 5:27-32, "I didn't come to call the righteous (Pharisees), but sinners (who?)..."

B. Pharisees - from Hebrew "separated," meaning set themselves apart ("higher than"/better than) from the rest of society. Teachers and interpreters of the Law.

- "Self-righteous" = you are good/good enough/righteous in your own sight

- Society? Generally Self-righteous. How? 1. We choose our own rules for being good/righteousness; and 2. My thinking is better than those who disagree

C. Mt 5:20, "Unless your righteousness is greater than the Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - almost 1/3 of Sermon on the Mount. Why?

1. because God makes the rules (ALL of them) not us; and;

2. John 15:9, Faith is about loving Jesus daily, not simply doing what is required

3. 1 John 4:19-21, "those who don't love other people can hardly love God..."

Some Problems with being a Pharisee:

1. Pharisees are Self-righteous; they create their own rules/standards (not God's)

- Why? Because you wind up following the rules you like; ignoring the rules you don't. Works for you; but other people see where you don't (Mt 7:1-5, the "log")

a) Which Spiritual Habits/Jesus' rules do you follow? (daily devotions? Sabbath? tithing 10%? witnessing? forgiveness? not losing your temper? etc.) Which do you tend to ignore? Do you see where other people (a spouse, co-worker, family member...) don't live up to God's standards? What about yourself?

b) In Mt. 7:1-5, Jesus is discussing the rules you are ignoring (logs), yes?

- hypocrites rarely break rules they believe in; problem is the others

2. Pharisees are entitled and arrogant (speak for God, and God agrees with them)

a) arrogant and entitled (Pharisees) vs. humble and grateful (prostitute)

3. Pharisees are not concerned with the point of the Law/rules, only conformity

- All of God's Laws are to help people; Pharisees don't care about people

- Mark 2:23-27, "the Law is created for people; not people for the Law"

a) If ever, you value "being right" above that person, you have missed it

D. A biblical example: Luke 7:36-50, Jesus, Simon the Pharisee, and the Prostitute

- Simon (the Pharisee) was right (she was unclean); but why was he SO wrong?

A: Simon? no awareness of his sin; all he could see was hers

A: In God's sight, what makes you so much better "that other person"?

Application? Do you see not only this woman, but yourself in this woman? Do you have self-awareness to "see" the rules you neglect, as much as those you follow?

Apr 1 Mon - Mt 5

Apr 2 Tues - Mt 6

Apr 3 Wed - Mt 7

Apr 4 Thr – Luke 5

Apr 5 Fri - Luke 6

Apr 6 Sat – Luke 7


A - Adoration (prayer of centering; focus on God's goodness);

C - Confession (prayer of repentance and asking for God's forgiveness);

T - Thanksgiving (prayer of gratefulness, content, joy, avoiding pessimism);

S - Supplication (prayer for others; then pray for yourself)

S - STOP and listen... give God some time to speak to you --- end with the LORD'S PRAYER

Where to begin: What's the state of your soul today? Who is going to heaven because of you?


Gospel of Nobodies, Part 5: No Need to Beg


Gospel of Nobodies, Part 3: Elephant Stories - From Possession to Profession