Embracing Life's Unknowns, Part 5: Finding Strength in God
Feb 11 Mon- John 15
Feb 12 Tues- Heb 4
Feb 13 Wed - John 16
Feb 14 Thr– Isaiah 41
Feb 15 Fri- Psalm 46
Feb 16 Sat – 2 Cor 11-12; Col 1
PRAYER: A - Adoration(prayer of centering; focus on God's goodness); C - Confession(prayer of repentance and asking for God's forgiveness); T - Thanksgiving(prayer of gratefulness, content, joy, avoiding pessimism); S - Supplication(prayer for others; then pray for yourself)
S - STOPand listen... give God some time to speak to you--- end with the LORD'S PRAYER
Where to begin: What's the state of your soul today? Who is going to heaven because of you?
A. The World says, "You can Do It!" But experience says, "Can you really?"
- Where does "the world" turn for help-strength to deal with life's challenges?
- Most people? They don't get help. Ignore, react, complain, but not get help.
Why? Some reasons (from Forbes): 1. Don't have energy-time; 2. Don't believe good outcomes are possible; 3. Pride (I can fix this myself; I don't want to hear my way is wrong); 4. Don't know where to start; 5. Relentless feeling of incompetence and inadequacy; 6. Laziness; 7. Victim Mentality; 8. Fear (of conflict, failure, etc.); 9. You simply don't think you can (and why "motivational speakers" are popular)
B. The World, "I can do/be ANYTHING!" vs. Jesus, "you can't do anything without..
Another Great Reversal - Motivational "You Can Do It!" Vs. Jesus
John 15:5, "Without Me, you can't do anything."
C. John 16:33, "In the world you will have distress, but take heart. I have overcome the world"; Paul's Testimony - 2 Cor 11:12-12:10 - hardship is normal
D. Einstein and Romans 12:2, "You can't solve a problem by using the same thinking you had when you created the problem." "Transformation comes from a renewing of the mind." Motivational speakers and God agree: Your perspective is what matters. They disagree where Jesus says, "On your own, you're lost."
- Perspective is critical: Life is about quality (internal), not quantity (external)
- Jesus' Big Idea: The world doesn't have your answer/solution and YOU don't have the answer/solution, rather the world has more anxiety, distress, challenges.
E. When challenges strike your "heart," where is your "Reaction"/starting point?
vs. Ps 46 "God is our refuge and strength"; Heb 4:16, "our help in times of need"
Col 1:19, 27, "The fullness of God was pleased to dwell..... in you"
1. the pleroma, the fullness of God, lives IN YOU to provide strength... if...
- John 15:4-5, "Remain in Me, and I will remain in You."
- John 15:5, "Without Me, you cannot do anything."
F. Critical Opening Question to Handle Life's Unknowns: Where is the solution?
1. Where - where do I find, uncover, discover the solution?
2. WHAT is the solution? is a 2ndary Question, but we often ask it 1st.
- James 1:5, "Anyone who asks for wisdom, will receive it!" (patience implied)
G. Jn 3:3,16 = Christ born in you (you are reborn in him; a new life lives in you)
1. Salvation = both eternal (from death) andpresent (from harsh, cold reality)
2. John 10:10, Jesus says, "I came that you may have life, and life in abundance"
Apply? Yes, look in mirror for solutions, but not at yourself, rather at Christ in you.
- Yes "you can do it," but only as you are able to DAILY tap into the power of God