
Prepare the Way Part 4: Light of the World

Light of the World - Notes and Weekly Devo Guide

Dec 17 Mon - John 8

Dec 18 Tues - John 9

Dec 19 Wed - Eph 5

Dec 20 Thr – Acts 9

Dec 21 Fri - John 7

Dec 22 Sat – John 14

PRAYER: A - Adoration (prayer of centering; focus on God's goodness); C - Confession (prayer of repentance and asking for God's forgiveness); T - Thanksgiving (prayer of gratefulness, content, joy, avoiding pessimism); S - Supplication (prayer for others; then pray for yourself)

S - STOP and listen... give God some time to speak to you --- end with the LORD'S PRAYER

Where to begin: What's the state of your soul today? Who is going to heaven because of you?

The Big Idea - Reflect on: Is it possible that you are "Blind" but think you "See?" Consider where you might live in "darkness" but think you are in the "Light."

Does it matter if you are living in darkness, but think you are in the light? Why?

A. The Grinch - Blindly believed that he could ruin "Christmas" by stealing presents. His eyes were opened when he discovered a truth of God.

B. John 8-9 - Jesus attempts to help us understand our blindness

1. Jn 8:1-12 - The Woman Caught in Adultery - Immediately after he saved her, Jesus says, vs. 12, "I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows Me will never live in darkness, but will have the light of life." What was her darkness?

2. Jn 8:13-59 - Pharisees and the People - vs. 27, "People did not understand." How is their "lack of understanding" what Jesus is calling their "blindness"?

3. Jn 9:1-12 - Jesus heals the man born blind, but immediately before that, Jesus repeats, vs. 5, "I am the Light of the World." Why did Jesus say this a second time? What is the deeper meaning behind Jesus healing the blind man?

4. Jn 9:13-41 - Jesus says, "I came so that the blind would see and those who see would be blind." The Pharisees replied, "Are you saying we are blind too?"

C. "Are you saying we are blind too?" - implied, "God, I am NOT blind!"

1. God says, our culture lives in darkness/we are blind. Do you disagree?

a. Acts 26:18, "... may turn from darkness to light, from Satan to God"

b. Eph. 5:6-14, "You were once in darkness, but now live in the light"

c. 2 Cor 4:4, "the god of this age has blinded the minds of people....

D. John 3:16, "God so loved the world" but then in vs. 19, "the basis for judgment: The light came... but people loved darkness more than the light." Why is this true?

1. Jn 7:7, Jesus says, "People hate the light because I tell them the things they are doing that are wrong." (Implied: they don't want to stop or change)

E. We Need a Crisis of Belief (1 reason for suffering) - to realize 2 things:

1. We are blind; 2. If we want to see, Only Jesus Can Do that for Us

a. Jn 14:1-6, "I am the Way, Truth and Life. No one...except through Me."

F. The Mud (John 9:7) and Scales (Acts 9:18) must be removed from our eyes

- in Acts 9, Paul goes from spiritual/physical blindness to spiritual/physical sight

1. Belief = trusting Jesus can see where you can't (Light for your path, etc)

2. Baptism = purification/washing that removes the mud/scales

3. Following His Commandments daily = Path, Light, Truth, Way to see clearly

- leave Jesus' narrow path, and you are back in darkness again (wide path)

- remain on Jesus' narrow path, and you are seeing clearly, w/God's eyes


Prepare the Way Part 5: The Light of Life


Prepare the Way Part 3: The Blind Shall See